Our Mission

Virginia Highlands Youth Golf Academy is a non-profit organization founded to introduce our local youth to the Game of a Lifetime by providing instruction in the fundamentals, etiquette, and rules of the game.

We all understand the value that golf brings into our lives.  Golfers may occasionally lose their way on the golf course, but rarely their way in life. Now, more than ever before, our young people need that same experience.

Chris Nichols, Assistant Professional, giving instruction to one of our youth

Carter Hooker, 2024 J.C, Snead Scholarship recipient

VHYGA is passionate about supporting the continued education of deserving young students. The first J.C. Snead Scholarship was awarded to Carter Hooker in spring 2024.

Congratulations, Carter!

VHYGA Officers

Joseph C. Seufer

Alan Secord
Vice President

Arlene Christenbury
Secretary, Founder

William F. Huffman, Jr.

Advisory Panel

Mark Fry - Founder,
Director of Golf, PGA

Barry Ryder - PGA

Taylor Baker-Esq

Karen Bailey

Mary Vaden Eisenstadt

Deborah Mills

Chris Nichols - Assistant Professional